Title: A List-Based Random Attention ModelSpeaker: Yujian ChenTime: Jan 17, 2025 (Fri) 12:00 - 1:30 pmHybrid:Hong Yuan Building 311Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8089091002?pwd=cHN4SzE4a3FLWnZCQnBZczczdVlUdz09&omn=89636233155Abstract:I propose a list-based random attention model to study how stochastic limited attention affects decision-making when an agent selects one item from an ordered ...
Time: Dec 10, 2024 3:30 - 5:00 pmLocation: Hong Yuan Building 311Talk 1Title: Happy' to Yield: Strategic Information Disclosure in Asymmetric Chicken GamesSpeaker: Shi QichaoAbstract:The "Happiness Concession" principle posits that in conflicts, parties with higher level of happiness should yield, as they face greater potential losses from continued conflict. We test this principle through a laboratory ...
Title: Informational Size in School ChoiceSpeaker: Di FENGTime: Oct 16, 2024 3:30 - 5:00 pmLocation: Hong Yuan Building 311
Title: CORRELATION PREFERENCESpeaker: CHEW Soo HongTime: Aug 29, 2024 1:00 - 2:30 pmLocation: Room 109 HongYuan BuildingAbstract:We propose a correlation utility (CU) representation of correlation preference without requiring transitivity nor completeness. Under a【correlation independence】axiom, CU specializes to【correlation expected utility】(CEU) which is not compatible with the extended Allais ...
Title: Network EconomicsSpeaker: Yves ZenouTime: Aug 26-30, 2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pmLocation: Hong Yuan Building 109
Title: Causal Inference under Kink BunchingSpeaker: Jianguo WangTime: Jun 7, 2024 (Fri) 3:30 - 5:00 pmHybrid:Hong Yuan Building 311Zoom Meeting ID: 808 909 1002,Passcode: 314159
Title: A Field Experiment on Gender Gap Information and Educational PursuitsSpeaker: Siyu WangTime: Jun 4, 2024 (Tue) 3:00 - 4:30 pmHybrid:Hong Yuan Building 311Tencent Meeting ID: 602 155 028,Passcode: 9876
Title: Tournaments with and without Private Information: A Nonparametric ApproachSpeaker: Jun ZhangTime: Apr 26, 2024 (Fri) 4:30 - 5:30 pmHybrid:Hong Yuan Building 311Tencent Meeting ID: 680 245 330,Passcode: 9876
Title: Why We DieSpeaker: Richard EbsteinTime: Apr 19 & Apr 25, 2024 2:00 - 5:00 pmHybrid:Hong Yuan Building 311Zoom Meeting ID: 851 6613 5916,Passcode: 314159Abstract:In his just published book, "Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality," Nobel Laureate Venki Ramakrishnan offers a witty exploration of aging science. The book serves as a【molecular biology primer】, discussing ...
Title: Reference Effects in Worker MotivationSpeaker: Zheng Jie & Jaimie Wei-Hung LienTime: Mar 25, 2024 (Mon) 3:30 - 5:30 pmHybrid:Hong Yuan Building 311Tencent Meeting ID: 808 368 213,Passcode: 9394
Title: Coordination via Alternative Assurance Mechanisms in Threshold Public Goods ProvisionSpeaker: Zhi LiTime: Mar 1, 2024 (Fri) 10:00 - 11:30 amLocation: Hong Yuan Building 311
Title: Consensus Shift and Disagreement Shift: Revisiting...
Title: The Emergence of Economic Rationality of GPTSpeake...
Title: Better and Faster Decisions with Recommendation Al...
Title: Organizational Behavior and Genetics: From Twins t...
Title: A Universally Efficient Dynamic Auction for All ...
Title: Trust Information and ComplianceSpeaker: Jubo YanT...
Title: What Lab and Field Experiments can tell us about E...
Title: Random Quasi-linear UtilitySpeaker: Erya YangTime:...
Title: Neurocomputational mechanisms of social inference:...
Title: Simplifying Extensive Games and Invariance of Eq...
Title: Communicating with ConditionalsSpeaker: Zheng Zh...
Title: Small deeds reveal a man? On over-interpretation o...
Title: Risk as Excuses for Selfishness in Social Decision...
Title: Narrowly RationalSpeaker: Zhong SongfaTime: Mar ...
Title: Information Design of Extensive Form MechanismsSpe...
Title: Subject Selection Mechanism in Chinese College Ent...
Title: Information aggregation over separated markets. An...
Title: Partition Obvious Preference and Mechanism Design:...
Title: Exogenous Shocks, Network Structure and Systemic R...
Title: The control-exclusion core in priority-based alloc...
Title: Behavioural Generics of Economic HistorySpeaker: R...
Title: The significant effect of uninformative signal on ...
Title: Decision Quality Under Time Pressure: Evidence fro...
Title: Misreporting Private Information in a Pandemic: A ...
Title: Can auctions select people by their level-k type?S...
Title: Blood Allocation with Replacement Donors: A Theory...
Title:Choice and Attention Over TimeSpeaker:RC Lim from...
Title: Excusing Myopia:The Role of RiskSpeaker: Wenbo Zo...
Title: Preference revelation games and strict cores of mu...
Date: Saturday, 10th July 2021Time: 1400-1430: Liang Li...
Title: Enhancing obvious strategyproofness using sure-thi...
Title: Neurobiology of Attention in Decision Making Speak...
Title: The significant effect of trivial information ab...
Title: The reciprocal spillover effects of informal risk ...
Title: The impact of taste-based discrimination and pay t...
Title: Belief Updating: Inference versus Forecast Revisio...
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