Title: Enhancing obvious strategyproofness using sure-thing principle with knowledge
Speaker: Wang Wenqian (Winston)
Date: Tuesday, 6th July 2021
Time: 4:00-5:30pm
Location:Room 311 Hong Yuan Building
We propose a new solution concept involving Weak Dominance facilitated by Chew and Wang’s (2021) formalization of the sure-thing principle (STP) with knowledge implicit in Savage’s (1954) businessman example. This solution concept is intermediate between Weak Dominance and Li’s (2017) Obvious Dominance and refines the corresponding concept for mechanism design of a STP-facilitated Obvious Strategyproofness (OSP-STP). We further study the revelation principle for OSP-STP and the implementation, under this principle, of the Deferred Acceptance and Top Trading Cycle mechanisms, along with the Simultaneous Ascending Combinatorial Auction.