CHEW Soo Hong

Title: Professor, Special Term Director      Nationality: Singapore

Office: Room 304, HongYuan Building, LiuLin Campus, SWUFE


Research Interests

Decision theory, behavioral, biological and experimental economics, decision genomics


PhD Interdisciplinary studies (Mathematics, Economics, Management Science), University of British Columbia        1981

MA Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University        1977

BA Physics, Harvey Mudd College        1976

BA Mathematics, University of London        1975


Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory        2020-present

Fellow, Econometric Society        2012-present

The Leonard J. Savage Award        1982

Best Research Paper Award, Institute for Decision Sciences        1982


Since 2020

  • Chew Soo Hong, Miao Bin, Zhong Songfa (2023). "Ellsberg meets Keynes at an urn." Quantitative Economics.

  • Soo Hong Chew, Richard P. Ebstein, Salomon Israel, Zhen Lei, Wei Tang (2023). "Adam Smith’s error? Gender and country differences in altruistic giving revealed using the Andreoni–Miller dictator game." Economics Letters.

  • Soo Hong Chew, Richard P. Ebstein, Yunfeng Lu (2023). "Rice Culture and the Cushion Hypothesis: Experimental Evidence from Incentivized Risk Taking Tasks." Economics Letters.

  • Chew Soo Hong, Jacob S. Sagi (2022), "A Critical Look at the Aumann-Serrano and Foster-Hart Measures of Riskiness" Economic Theory.

  • Chew Soo Hong, Bin Miao, Qiang Shen, Songfa Zhong (2022), "Multiple-Switching Behavior in Choice-List Elicitation of Risk Preference" Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Xue, Chiao, Xu, Li, Shi, Cheng, Shi, Guo, Tong, Guo, Chew, Ebstein, Cui (2022), "The heart-brain axis: A proteomics study of meditation on the cardiovascular system of Tibetan Monks" eBioMedicine.

  • Robin Chark, Zhong Sonfa, Shui Ying Tsang, Chiea Chuen Khor, Richard P Ebstein, Xue Hong, Chew Soo Hong (2022), "A Gene-Brain-Behavior Basis for Familiarity Bias in Source Preference." Theory and Decision.

  • Anne Chong, Serenella Tolomeo, Yue Xiong, Dario Angeles, Mike Cheung, Benjamin Becker, Poh San Lai, Zhen Lei, Fabio Malavasi, Qianzi Tang, Soo Hong Chew, Richard P. Ebstein (2021), "Blending oxytocin and dopamine with everyday creativity" Scientific Reports.

  • Chew Soo Hong, WeiHuang, XunLi(2021), " Does haze cloud decision making? A natural laboratory experiment" Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

  • Chew Soo Hong, Haoming Liu, Alberto Salvo (2021),  " Adversity-hope hypothesis: Air pollution raises lottery demand in China" Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Serenella Tolomeo, Benjamin Chiao, Zhen Lei, Soo Hong Chew, Richard P. Ebstein (2020), "A Novel Role of CD38 and Oxytocin as Tandem Molecular Moderators of Human Social Behavior" Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.

  • Chew SH, Huang W, and Zhao XJ (2020), "Motivated false memory" Journal of Political Economy. 【JPE Top5】

  • Chark, R, Chew SH, Zhong S (2020), "Individual Longshot Preferences" Journal of the European Economic Association.

  • Chew Soo Hong, Wang Wenqian (2020), "On the robustness of indeterminacy in subjective probability" Economics Letters.

  • Shian-Ling Keng, Pei Shan Looi, Elysia Li Yan Tan, Onn-Siong Yim, Poh San Lai, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2020), "Effects of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Psychological Symptoms and Telomere Length: A Randomized Active-Controlled Trial" Behavior Therapy.

  • Richard P.Ebstein, Yushi Jiang, Xing Zhang, Chew Soo Hong (2020), Chapter: " Personality and Health" Behavior Genetics of Temperament and Personalit.


  • Yi H, Chew SH, JP Gouin (2019),“Successful aging, cognitive function, socio-economic status, and leukocyte telomere length” Psychoneuroendocrinology.

  • Chew SH, Ratchford M, Sagi J (2018), “You Need to Recognise Ambiguity to Avoid It" Economic Journal.

  • Zhong S, Shalev I, Koh D, Ebstein RP, Chew SH (2018), “Stress and Competitiveness” International Economic Review.

  • Chew SH, Yi JJ, Zhang JS, Zhong S (2017), “Risk Aversion and Son preference: Experimental Evidence from Chinese Twin Parents” Management Science.

  • Chew SH, Miao B, Zhong S (2017), “Partial Ambiguity” Econometrica.

  • Yim OS, Zhang X, Shalev I, Monakhov M, S Zhong, Hsu M, Chew SH*, Lai PS, and Ebstein RP (2016), “Delay Discounting, Genetic Sensitivity, and Leukocyte Telomere Length” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  • Chew SH, Yi JJ, Zhang JS, Zhong S (2016), “Education and Anomalies in Decision Making: Experimental Evidence from Chinese Adult Twins” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Zhong S, R Chark, Hsu M, Chew SH* (2016), “Computational Substrates of Social Norm Enforcement by Unaffected Third Parties” Neuroimage.

  • Shen, Q., Teo M., Winter E., Hart E., Chew S. H.*, Ebstein R. P. (2016), “To Cheat or Not To Cheat: Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 SNP Variants Contribute to Dishonest Behavior” Behavior Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

  • Ebstein RP, M Monakhov, YF Lu, Y Jiang, PS Lai, Chew SH* (2015), “Association between the dopamine D4 receptor gene exon III variable number of tandem repeats and political attitudes in female Han Chinese” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

  • Chark R, Chew SH (2015) “A Neuroimaging Study of Strategic Uncertainty” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Chark R, Chew SH, and Zhong S (2015), “Extended Present Bias: A Direct Experimental Test” Theory and Decision.

  • Weisman O, Pelphrey KA, Leckman JF, Feldman R, Lu Y, Chong A, Chen Y, Monakhov M, Chew SH, Ebstein RP (2015), “The association between 2D:4D ratio and cognitive empathy is contingent on a common polymorphism in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR rs53576)” Psychoneuroendocrinology.

  • Jiang YS, · R Bachner-Melman · Chew SH*· RP Ebstein (2015), “Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene and Religious Affiliation Correlate with Dictator Game Altruism in Males and not Females: Evidence for Gender-sensitive Gene x Culture Interaction” Frontiers in Neuroscience.

  • Ebstein, RP.; Monakhov, M; Lai, PS; Chew, SH* (2014), “CD38 Gene Expression and Human Personality Traits: Inverse Association with Novelty Seeking” Messenger.

  • Set, E, Saez I, Zhu L, Houser DE, Myung N, Zhong S, Ebstein RP, Chew SH,* and Hsu M (2014), “Dissociable contribution of prefrontal and striatal dopaminergic genes to learning in economic games” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

  • De Dreu CKW, Chew SH, Shamay-Tsoory SG (2013), “Oxytonergic circuitry sustains and enables creative cognition in humans” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.

  • Chew SH, Ebstein RP, Zhong S (2013), “Sex Hormone Genes and Gender Difference in Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from China and Israel” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

  • Jiang Y, Chew SH*, Ebstein RP (2013), “The role of D4 receptor gene exon III polymorphisms in shaping human altruism and prosocial behavior” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

  • Chew SH, Ebstein RP, Zhong S (2012), “Ambiguity aversion and familiarity bias: Evidence from behavioral and gene association studies” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Chew SH and J. S. Sagi (2012), “An Inequality Measure for Stochastic Allocations”, Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Zhong S, Chark R, Ebstein RP, Chew SH , (2012). "Imaging Genomics for Utility of Risks over Gains and Losses" NeuroImage.

  • Zhong S, Monakhov M, Mok HP, Tong T, Lai PS, Chew SH*, Ebstein RP (2012), “U-Shaped Relation between Plasma Oxytocin Levels and Behavior in the Trust Game” PLoS ONE.

  • Zhong S, S Israel, I Shalev, H Xue, Ebstein R, and Chew SH* (2010), "Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene Associated with Fairness Preference in Ultimatum Game" PLoS ONE.

  • Ebstein R, S Israel, Chew SH, Zhong S, A Knafo (2010), "Genetics of Human Social Behavior" Neuron.


  • Zhong S, Israel S, Xue H, Ebstein R, and Chew SH* (2009), "Monoamine Oxidase A Gene (MAOA) Associated with Attitude towards Longshot Risks" PLoS ONE.

  • Zhong S, Chew SH*, Set E, Zhang J, Xue H, Sham P, Ebstein R, and Israel S (2009), “The heritability of attitude towards economic risk” Twin Research and Human Genetics.

  • Zhong S, Israel S, Xue H, Sham P, Ebstein R, and Chew SH* (2009), “A Neurochemical Approach to Valuation Sensitivity over Gains and Losses” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

  • Chew SH, Li KK, R. Chark, and Zhong S (2008), "Source preference and ambiguity aversion: Models and Evidence from Behavioral and Neuroimaging Experiments" Neuroeconomics, Houser and McCabe (eds), Elsevier: Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research

  • Chew SH and J. S. Sagi (2008), “Small Worlds: Modeling attitudes toward Sources of Uncertainty” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and Serizawa S (2007), “Characterizing the Vickrey Combinatorial Auction by Induction” Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and J. S. Sagi (2006), “Event Exchangeability: Probabilistic Sophistication without Monotonicity or Continuity” Econometrica.

  • Chew SH and G. Tan (2005), “The Market for Sweepstakes” Review of Economic Studies.

  • Chew SH and N. Nishimura (2003), “Revenue Non-Equivalence between the English Auction and the Second-Price Auction: Experimental Evidence” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.


  • Chew SH and K. Konrad (1998), “Bandwagon Effects in Two-Party Majority Voting” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Chew SH and P. Wakker (1996), “The Comonotonic Sure-Thing Principle” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Chew SH and L. Herk (1996), “Incremental Risk Aversion and Diversification Preference” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and Mao MH (1995), “A Schur-Concave Characterization of Risk Aversion for Non-Expected Utility Preferences” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and J.L. Ho (1994), “Hope: An Empirical Study of Attitude toward the Timing ofUncertainty Resolution” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Chew SH and E. Karni (1994), “Choquet Expected Utility with a Finite State Space Commutativity and Act-Independence” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH, L.G. Epstein and U. Segal (1994), “The Projective Independence Axiom” Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH, L.G. Epstein and P. Wakker (1993), “A Unifying Approach to Axiomatic Non[1]Expected Utility Theory: Correction and Comment” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and N. Nishimura (1992), “Differentiability, Comparative Statics and Non[1]Expected Utility Preferences” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and L.G. Epstein (1991), “Recursive Utility under Uncertainty” Equilibrium Theory with an Infinite Number of Commodities, Khan and Yanellis (eds.), Springer.

  • Chew SH, L.G. Epstein and U. Segal (1991), “Mixture Symmetry and Quadratic Utility” Econometrica.

  • Chew SH and I Zilcha (1990), “Invariance of the Efficient Sets when the Expected Utility Hypothesis is Relaxed” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

  • Chew SH and L.G. Epstein (1990), “Non-Expected Utility Preferences in a Temporal Framework with an Application to Consumption-Savings Behavior” Journal of Economic Theory.

Before 1990

  • Chew SH and L.G. Epstein (1989), “A Unifying Approach to Axiomatic Non-Expected Utility Theory” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and L.G. Epstein (1989), “The Structure of Preferences and Attitudes towards the Timing of the Resolution of Uncertainty” International Economic Review.

  • Chew SH (1989), “Axiomatic Utility Theories with the Betweenness Property” Annals of Operations Research.

  • Chew SH and L.G. Epstein (1989), “Axiomatic Rank-Dependent Means” Annals of Operations Research.

  • Chew SH, L.G. Epstein and I. Zilcha (1988), “A Correspondence Theorem between Expected Utility and Smooth Utility” Journal of Economic Theory .

  • Chew SH and L.G. Epstein (1988), “The Law of Large Numbers and the Attractiveness of Compound Lotteries” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

  • Chew SH, E. Karni and Z. Safra (1987), “Risk Aversion in the Theory of Expected Utility Theory with Rank-Dependent Probabilities” Journal of Economic Theory.

  • Chew SH and W.S. Waller (1986), “Empirical Tests of Weighted Utility Theory” Journal of Mathematical Psychology.

  • Chew SH, Mao M.H. and S.S. Reynolds (1984), “Rotating Credit Collusion in Repeated Auctions with a Single Buyer and Several Sellers” Economics Letters.

  • Chew SH (1983), “A Generalization of the Quasilinear Mean with Application to the Measurement of Income Inequality and Decision Theory Resolving the Allais Paradox” Econometrica.

Conferences and Workshops

Keynote Presentations

  • 2020. Asia-Pacific Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Beijing).

  • 2019. PKU-NUS Annual International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Economics.

  • 2018. Asia-Pacific Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Brisbane).

  • 2017. Nanjing International Conference on Game Theory and the Fourth Microeconomics Workshop (Nanjing); China Meeting of the Econometric Society (Wuhan).

  • 2016. Fifth International Conference on Neuromanagement and Neuroeconomics (Zhejiang); China Meeting of the Econometric Society (Chengdu).

  • 2015. Annual Conference on experimental economics (Dalian).

  • 2014. Conference on Decision Making and the Unconscious (Geneva); Tsinghua Conference on Theoretical and Behavioral Economics (Beijing)

  • ; Second Kyoto University Experimental Economics Conference.

  • 2013. International Workshop on Experimental Economics (Xiamen); Tsinghua Conference on Theoretical and Behavioral Economics (Beijing).

  • 2012. Guanghua Seminar in Behavioral Sciences (Beijing); Asia-Pacific Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Tokyo).

  • 2009. Nottingham workshop on experimental economics (Ningbo).

  • 2008. International Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Washington DC).

  • 2007. Asia Pacific Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Osaka).

Selected Invited Presentations

  • 2020. Caltech, Humanity and Social Sciences; UC Irvine, IMBS, Sciences; UC Riverside, Business School.

  • 2019. UC Irvine, IMBS, Sciences; Johns Hopkins University; BRIQ Belief Workshop (Bonn); UC Irvine, IMBS, Sciences; University of Southern California, INET (Los Angeles).

  • 2018. Fudan University, School of Finance; CAS Institute of Zoology (Kunming); Kunming Medical University; Yunnan University of Finance and Economics; Lingnan University; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong Baptist University.

  • 2017. Duke Univeristy at Kunshan; University of British Columbia; Simon Fraser University; University of Alberta; University of Oregon; University of California (Davis); University of California (Santa Cruz); University of California (Santa Barbara); Arizona State University (Phoenix); University of Arizona (Tucson); University of California (San Diego); University of Chicago; Columbia University; George Mason University; Yale University.

  • 2016. Peking University (Beijing); Tsinghua University (Beijing); Fudan University (Beijing); Xi’an Jiatong University (Xi’an); Decision Theory, Experiment, and Application Conference (Paris); Southwest University of Finance and Economics; Decision Theory, Experiment, and Application Conference (Paris); Jiatong Liverpool University (Suzhou).

  • 2015. Peking University; Tsinghua University; Wuhan University.

  • 2013. Inaugural China Meeting of the Econometric Society (Beijing).

  • 2010. Spencer Conference (Chicago); Decision Theory, Experiment, and Application Conference (Paris); Workshop in Honor of Daniel Ellsberg (Vienna); Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society (Singapore).

Selected Service

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics        2014-present

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Socio-Economics        2013-present

  • Co-chair, China Meetings of the Econometric Society        2012-2016

  • Co-director, Laboratory for Behavioral x Biological Economics and the Social Sciences, NUS (        Spring 2010-present

  • Director, center for Experimental Business Research, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology        Fall 1998-June 2013

  • Asia Pacific Vice-President, Economic Science Association        2008-2010

  • Advisory Editor, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty        1998-2008

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