Title: Associate Professor Nationality: UK
Email: kadergavin@swufe.edu.cn; gav.kader@outlook.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/gavinkader/home
Office: Room 307A, HongYuan Building, LiuLin Campus, SWUFE
Research Interests
Behavioural Economics (Behavioural Decision Theory, Applied Behavioural Economics), Revealed Preference Theory, Experimental Economics
PhD Economics, University College London 2019
MRes Economics (Distinction) & MPhil Economics, University College London 2015
Bsc Economics & MSc Economics, University College London 2012
Academic positions
Associate Professor, Southwestern University of Finance & Economics 2020-present
Assistant Professor, Southwestern University of Finance & Economics 2019-2020
Demonstration Lecturer, University College London 2016-2017
Working papers
Source Recursive Expected Utility and Process Preference on Rich Mixture Sets (under review) - Joint with Chew Soo Hong, Wang Wenqian (2024).
The impact of climate policy uncertainty on corporate green innovation: Evidence from China (under review) (2024) - Joint with Fei Xue, Li Wang, Weixian Zhang.
Rationalizing Choices with Best Behaved Utility Functions: Behavior and Welfare (2024) - Joint with Joshua Lanier.
Bounded Rationality of Large Language Models (2024) - Joint with Dongwoo Lee.
Morning or Evening person? Circadian Mismatch and Intraday Timing of Experiments (2022) - Joint with Dongwoo Lee.
Why won’t people take the COVID-19 Vaccine? Understanding Vaccine Aversion using Behavioural Economics.
Gain and Loss - Intertemporal decision making in female drug addicts (2024) - Joint with Lei Peng.
Motivational bias and cognitive disequilibrium in intertemporal decision making in drug-addicted individuals: evidence from the drift diffusion model (2024) - Joint with Lei Peng.
Why won’t people take the COVID-19 Vaccine? Understanding Vaccine Aversion using Behavioural Economics.
Expected Utility Theory: A Re-Calibration Theorem.
(Ir)rational choices with Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).
Is Loss Aversion Really Constant? - A Theoretical and Experimental Approach to Non-Linear Loss Aversion, with Rub´en Poblete-Cazenave.
A behavioural economics analysis of environmental policies in China and USA.
Choices with Just-Noticeable Differences of Status Quo - Is There a (Noticeable) Difference?
Cost of Consideration and Revealed Preference.
Consideration Sets and Rationality: Is Revealed Preference Theory Revealing Enough?
An Alternative Measure of the Violations of Revealed Preference Theory - The Generalised Axiom Violations Index.
Conferences and Workshops
2024. ESA Singapore @ NTU, UCL, FUR Conference @ University of Queensland.
2023. UCL, Nottingham Ningbo.