Title: Associate Professor
Email: wangd@swufe.edu.cn
Office: Room 1002, GeZhi Building, LiuLin Campus, SWUFE
Research Interests
Regularities of individual decision-making under uncertainty, theoretical and experimental study of behavioral economics, behavioral games, social preferences and behavioral finance
PhD Economics, University of Nottingham 09/2017
Msc Behavioral Economics, University of Nottingham 09/2012
Bsc Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 02/2011
Academic positions
Associate Professor, Southwestern University of Finance & Economics 09/2018-present
Di Wang (2021). "Attention-driven probability weighting." Economics Letters.
Working papers
Does the choice alternatives matter in measuring risk preferences?
Ambiguity inference and ambiguity attitude: Theory and experiment.
Can a small deed reveal a man? Over-interpretation of noisy social signals, with Zhen Lei and Sen Tian.
Conferences and Workshops
2019. CeDEx Internal Workshop (Ningbo).
2017. CCC Annual Meeting (Nottingham).
2016. The Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting (Jerusalem); CCC Annual Meeting (Amsterdam).
2015. CREED-CeDEx-CBESS (CCC) Annual Meeting (Norwich).