1. Dandan Zhang, Shen Zhang, Zhen Lei, Yiwei Li, Xianchun Li, Ruolei Gu (2023). "Why people engage in corrupt collaboration: an observation at the multi-brain level." Cerebral Cortex.
1. Chew Soo Hong, Miao Bin, Zhong Songfa (2023). "Ellsberg meets Keynes at an urn." Quantitative Economics.
周恕弘 / Richard Ebstein / 雷震 / 唐伟 (中心学生):
1. Soo Hong Chew, Richard P. Ebstein, Salomon Israel, Zhen Lei, Wei Tang (2023). "Adam Smith’s error? Gender and country differences in altruistic giving revealed using the Andreoni–Miller dictator game." Economics Letters.
周恕弘 / Richard Ebstein:
1. Soo Hong Chew, Richard P. Ebstein, Yunfeng Lu (2023). "Rice Culture and the Cushion Hypothesis: Experimental Evidence from Incentivized Risk Taking Tasks." Economics Letters.
Inácio Bó:
1. Inácio Bó, Rustamdjan Hakimov (2023). "Pick-an-Object Mechanisms." Management Science.
1. Yang Sun, Wei Zhao, Junjie Zhou (2023). "Structural intervention in networks." International Economic Review.
1. Lei Wang, Yahong Zhou, Benjamin Chiao (2023). "Robots and Innovation:Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing." Journal of Business Research.
Joshua Lanier:
1. Joshua Lanier, Bin Miao, John K.-H. Quah, Songfa Zhong (2023). "Intertemporal Consumption with Risk: A Revealed Preference Analysis." Review of Economics and Statistics.
2. Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock, Thomas Demuynck, Joshua Lanier (2023). "Are Consumers Rational? Shifting the Burden of Proof." Review of Economics and Statistics.
Soumen Banerjee:
1. Soumen Banerjee, Yi-Chun Chen, Yifei Sun (2023). "Direct Implementation with Evidence." Theoretical Economics.
Richard Ebstein:
1. Qiang Shen, Shiguang Fu1, Xiaoying Jiang, Xiaoyu Huang, Doudou Lin, Qingyan Xiao, Sitti Khadijah, Yaping Yan, Xiaoxing Xiong, Jia Jin, Richard P. Ebstein, Ting Xu, Yiquan Wang,Jun Feng (2023). " Factual and counterfactual learning in major adolescent depressive disorder, evidence from an instrumental learning study." Psychological Medicine.
2. 专著:沈强, 金佳, 胡林枫, Richard Ebstein. 管理决策:脑科学视角下的新解读. 科学出版社, 2023.
Gavin Kader:
1. Yiyang Cheng, Shaofeng Ru, Gavin Kader (2023). "Optimal Capital Investment Structure and Sustainable Development: Evidence from China." Finance Research Letters.
Lee Dongwoo:
1. Adam Dominiak, Dongwoo Lee (2023). "Testing Rational Hypotheses in Signaling Games." European Economic Review.
牟朋鹏(中心学生)/Lawrence Choo:
1. 牟朋鹏, Lawrence Choo, 周晓宇, 儒家传统文化与家庭风险金融资产配置, 2023.《金融与经济》.
1. Chew Soo Hong, Bin Miao, Qiang Shen, Songfa Zhong (2022). "Multiple-Switching Behavior in Choice-List Elicitation of Risk Preference." Journal of Economic Theory.
2. Chew Soo Hong, Jacob S. Sagi (2022). "A Critical Look at the Aumann-Serrano and Foster-Hart Measures of Riskiness." Economic Theory.
Lawrence Choo:
1. Geoffrey Castillo, Lawrence Choo, Veronika Grimm(2022). "Are groups always more dishonest than individuals? The case of salient negative externalities." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
2. Lawrence Choo, Todd R. Kaplan, Ro’i Zultan (2022). "Manipulation and (mis)trust in prediction markets." Management Science.
Richard Ebstein:
1. Qiang Shen, Shiguang Fu, Yuxing Huang, Yina An, Jia Jin, Yiquan Wang, Linfeng Hu, Richard P. Ebstein (2022). " Asymmetric valuation and belief updating over gain and loss in risky decision making: A behavioral and electrophysiological investigation." Behavioural Brain Research.
周恕弘/Richard Ebstein:
1. Robin Chark, Zhong Sonfa, Shui Ying Tsang, Chiea Chuen Khor, Richard P Ebstein, Xue Hong, Chew Soo Hong (2022)."A Gene-Brain-Behavior Basis for Familiarity Bias in Source Preference." Theory and Decision.
1. Shiyan Yin, Thanaset Chevapatrakul, Kai Yao (2022). " The causal effect of improved readability of financial reporting on stock price crash risk: evidence from the plain writing act of 2010." Economics Letters.
赵克锋 / Richard Ebstein / 周恕弘:
1. Xue, Chiao, Xu, Li, Shi, Cheng, Shi, Guo, Tong, Guo, Chew, Ebstein, Cui (2022). "The heart-brain axis: A proteomics study of meditation on the cardiovascular system of Tibetan Monks." eBioMedicine.
Inacio Bo:
1. Inacio Bo, Rustamdjan Hakimov (2022). "The iterative deferred acceptance mechanism." Games and Economic Behavior.
2. Mustafa Oyuz Afacan, Inacio Bo (2022). "Strategy-proof popular mechanisms."Journal of Mathematical Economics.
3. Mustafa Oyuz Afacan, Inacio Bo, Bertan Turhan (2022). "Assignment maximization." Journal of Public Economic Theory.
1. Wentao Fu, Di Hua, Xuewen Qian, Yang Sun (2022). "Constrained public goods in weighted networks with heterogeneous agents." Economics Letters.
2. Xiao Luo, Yongchuan Qiao, Yang Sun (2022). "A revelation principle for correlated equilibrium under trembling-hand perfection." Journal of Economic Theory.
Lee Dongwoo:
1. Dongwoo Lee, Hans Haller (2022). "Selective Attribute Rules." Journal of Economics.
2. Dongwoo Lee (2022). "Misleading Sales in Salience Markets." Applied Economics Letters.
1. Anne Chong, Serenella Tolomeo, Yue Xiong, Dario Angeles, Mike Cheung, Benjamin Becker, Poh San Lai, Zhen Lei, Fabio Malavasi, Qianzi Tang, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2021). "Blending oxytocin and dopamine with everyday creativity". Scientific Reports.
2.雷震, 毕蓉, 莫李澄, 于文汶, 张丹丹, 外显和内隐情绪韵律加工的脑机制:近红外成像研究, 2021. 《心理学报》.
3. 主研:市场设计的实验室实验研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 项目批准号:72033006, 2021/01-2025/12
1. 主持:市场设计的实验室实验研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 项目批准号:72033006, 2021/01-2025/12
2. Chew Soo Hong, WeiHuang, XunLi(2021)." Does haze cloud decision making? A natural laboratory experiment". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
3. Chew Soo Hong, Haoming Liu, Alberto Salvo (2021). " Adversity-hope hypothesis: Air pollution raises lottery demand in China". Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.
4. Anne Chong, Serenella Tolomeo, Yue Xiong, Dario Angeles, Mike Cheung, Benjamin Becker, Poh San Lai, Zhen Lei, Fabio Malavasi, Qianzi Tang, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2021). "Blending oxytocin and dopamine with everyday creativity". Scientific Reports.
Richard Ebstein:
1. Kathleen M. Krol1, Nauder Namaky, Mikhail V. Monakhov, Poh San Lai, Richard Ebstein, Tobias Grossmann (2021). "Genetic variation in the oxytocin system and its link to social motivation in human infants". Psychoneuroendocrinology.
2. Yi Huang, Xin Huang, Richard P. Ebstein, Rongjun Yu (2021). "Intranasal Oxytocin in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis". Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
3. Anne Chong, Serenella Tolomeo, Yue Xiong, Dario Angeles, Mike Cheung, Benjamin Becker, Poh San Lai, Zhen Lei, Fabio Malavasi, Qianzi Tang, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2021). "Blending oxytocin and dopamine with everyday creativity". Scientific Reports.
4. Yang Xa, Liu Xa, Zeng Ya, Wu Ra, Zhao Wa, Xin Fb, Yao Sa, Kendrick KMa, Richard P.Ebstein, Becker Ba (2021). " Secondary rewards acquire enhanced incentive motivation via increasing anticipatory activity of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex". Brain Structure & Function.
1. Benjamin Chiao and Jason MacVaugh (2021). "Open innovation and organizational features: An experimental". European Management Journal.
2. Daniele Leone, Francesco Schiavone, Francesco Paolo Appio, Benjamin Chiao (2021). "How does artificial intelligence enable and enhance value co-creation in industrial markets? An exploratory case study in the healthcare ecosystem". Journal of Business Research.
3. Belaid, Fateh and Ben Youssef, Adel and Chiao, Benjamin, Guesmi, Khaled (2021). "Public Attention and Financial Market Recovery during Pandemics". International Journal of Global Energy Issues , Revise and Resubmit.
4. Francesco Schiavone, Daniele Leone, Annamaria Sabetta, Benjamin Chiao (2021). "Industrial convergence and industrial crisis. A situational analysis about precision medicine during the Covid-19 pandemic". IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
5. Benjamin Chiao (2021). "The Application of Meditation in Decisions" in Cui D.H. and Jiang C.L. The Scientific Foundation and Applications of Meditation". The Shanghai Scientific and Technological Publishers.
Lawrence Choo:
1. Surajeet Charkravarty, Lawrence Choo, Miguel A. Fonseca, Todd R. Kaplan (2021). "Should regulators always be transparent? A bank run experiment". European Economic Review.
2. Lawrence Choo, Xiaoyu Zhou (2021). "Can market competition reduce anomalous behaviour in games?" European Economic Review.
Inácio Bó:
1. Orhan Aygün, Inácio Bó (2021). "College Admission with Multidimensional Privileges: The Brazilian Affirmative Action Case". American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
2. Inácio Bó, Chiu Yu Ko (2021). "Competitive screening and information transmission". Journal of Public Economic Theory.
3. Azar Abizada, Inácio Bó (2021). "Hiring from a pool of workers". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
1. Di Wang (2021). "Attention-driven probability weighting". Economics Letters.
2. 主研:市场设计的实验室实验研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 项目批准号:72033006, 2021/01-2025/12
1. 主研:市场设计的实验室实验研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 项目批准号:72033006, 2021/01-2025/12
1. 雷震, 毕蓉, 莫李澄, 于文汶, 张丹丹, 外显和内隐情绪韵律加工的脑机制:近红外成像研究,2021. 《心理学报》.
1. 参与:马克思主义视域下全球化和逆全球化交替前行的原因和机理研究,项目编号:2021110003,2021年国家社科基金项目
1. Chew Soo Hong, Huang Wei, Zhao Xiaojian (2020). "Motivated false memory". Journal of Political Economy. 【JPE Top5】
2. Chew Soo Hong, Wang Wenqian (2020). "On the robustness of indeterminacy in subjective probability". Economics Letters.
3. Serenella Tolomeo, Benjamin Chiao, Zhen Lei, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2020). "A Novel Role of CD38 and Oxytocin as Tandem Molecular Moderators of Human Social Behavior". Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
4. Robin Chark, Chew Soo Hong, Songfa Zhong (2020). "Individual Preferences for Longshots". Journal of the European Economic Association.
5. Shian-Ling Keng, Pei Shan Looi, Elysia Li Yan Tan, Onn-Siong Yim, Poh San Lai, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2020). "Effects of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Psychological Symptoms and Telomere Length: A Randomized Active-Controlled Trial". Behavior Therapy.
6. Richard P.Ebstein, Yushi Jiang, Xing Zhang, Chew Soo Hong (2020). Chapter:" Personality and Health". Behavior Genetics of Temperament and Personalit.
1. Serenella Tolomeo, Benjamin Chiao, Zhen Lei,Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2020). "A Novel Role of CD38 and Oxytocin as Tandem Molecular Moderators of Human Social Behavior". Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
2. 主持:基于异质性偏好的集体腐败内在机制及治理对策实验与行为研究,2018年度国家社会科学基金一般项目,项目批准号:18BJL046, 2018/07-2020/12
1. Linh Hoang Ngugen, Thanaset Chevapatrakul, Kai Yao (2020). "Investigating tail-risk dependence in the cryptocurrency markets: A LASSO quantile regression approach". Journal of Empirical Finance.
Richard Ebstein
1. Serenella Tolomeo, Benjamin Chiao, Zhen Lei, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2020). "A Novel Role of CD38 and Oxytocin as Tandem Molecular Moderators of Human Social Behavior". Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
2. Christian Montag, Richard P. Ebstein, Philippe Jawinski, Sebastian Markett (2020). "Molecular genetics in psychology and personality neuroscience: On candidate genes, genome wide scans, and new research strategies". Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
3. Maor Zeev-Wolf, Jonathan Levy, Richard P. Ebstein, Ruth Feldman (2020). "Cumulative Risk on Oxytocin-Pathway Genes Impairs Default Mode Network Connectivity in Trauma-Exposed Youth". Frontier in Endocrinology.
4. Shian-Ling Keng, Pei Shan Looi, Elysia Li Yan Tan, Onn-Siong Yim, Poh San Lai, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2020). "Effects of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Psychological Symptoms, Telomere Length: A Randomized Active-Controlled Trial". Behavior Therapy.
5. Congcong Liu, Lei Xu, Jialin Li, Feng Zhou, Xi Yang, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Meina Fu, Kesuang Li, Cornelia Sindermann, Christian Montag, Yina Ma, Dirk Scjeele, Richard P. Ebstein, Shuxia Yao, Keith M. Kendrick, Benjamin Becker (2020). "Serotonin and early life stress interact to shape brain architecture and anxious avoidant behavior–a TPH2 imaging genetics approach". Psychological Medicine.
6. Richard P.Ebstein, Yushi Jiang, Xing Zhang, Chew Soo Hong (2020). Chapter:" Personality and Health". Behavior Genetics of Temperament and Personalit.
7. Xiaolei Xu, Jing Dai, Congcong Liu, Yuanshu Chen, Fei Xin, Feng Zhou, Xinqi Zhou, Yulan Huang, Jinyu Wang, Zhili Zou, Jialin Li, Richard P. Ebstein, Keith M Kendrick, Bo Zhou, Benjamin Becker (2020). "Common and Disorder-Specific Neurofunctional Markers of Dysregulated Empathic Reactivity in Major Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder". Psychotherapy and psychosomatics.
8.LilacLev-Ari, RachelBachner-Melman, Ada H.Zohar, Richard P. Ebstein, DavidMankuta (2020). "Weight gain, feeding and eating in the first year of life of babies of smoking and non-smoking mothers". Early Human Development.
Jingsheng Yu, Jun Zhang (2020). "A market design approach to job rotation". Games and Economic Behavior.
Macroeconomics and Energy Economics
1. Ben Amar, Amine and Belaid, Fateh and Ben Youssef, Adel and Chiao, Benjamin and Guesmi, Khaled (2020). "The Unprecedented Equity and Commodity Markets Reaction to COVID-19." Finance Research Letters.
2. Belaid, Fateh and Ben Youssef, Adel and Chiao, Benjamin and Guesmi, Khaled (2020). "The Impacts of COVID-19 on China's Domestic Natural Gas Market". Energy Forum.
Biological Economics and Decision Biology
1. Serenella Tolomeo, Benjamin Chiao, Zhen Lei, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2020). "A Novel Role of CD38 and Oxytocin as Tandem Molecular Moderators of Human Social Behavior". Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
2018 & 2019年中心科研成果
1.Yi Huang, Yim Onn Siong, Poh San Lai, Rongjun Yu, Chew Soo Hong, Xinyi Gweee, Ma Shwe Zin Nyunt, Qi Gao, Tze Pin Ng, Richard P.Ebstein, Jean-Philippe Gouing (2019). "Successful aging, cognitive function, socioeconomic status, and leukocyte telomere length". Psychoneuroendocrinology.
2. Shian-Ling Keng, Onn Siong Yim, Poh San Lai, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2019). "Association among dispositional mindfulness, self-compassion, and leukocyte telomere length in Chinese adults”. BMC Psychology
Thanaset Chevapatrakul and Zhongxiang Xu. "The impact of tail risk on stock market returns: The role of market sentiment". International Review of Economics & Finance.
Richard Ebstein
1.Yi Huang, Yim Onn Siong, Poh San Lai, Rongjun Yu, Chew Soo Hong, Xinyi Gweee, Ma Shwe Zin Nyunt, Qi Gao, Tze Pin Ng, Richard P.Ebstein, Jean-Philippe Gouing (2019). "Successful aging, cognitive function, socioeconomic status, and leukocyte telomere length". Psychoneuroendocrinology.
2. Shian-Ling Keng, Onn Siong Yim, Poh San Lai, Chew Soo Hong, Richard P. Ebstein (2019). "Association among dispositional mindfulness, self-compassion, and leukocyte telomere length in Chinese adults”. BMC Psychology
3.Lei Wang, Lu Li, Qiang Shen, Jiehui Zheng (2019). "To run with the herd or not: Electrophysiological dynamics are associated with preference change in crowdfunding". Neuropsychologia.
4. Feng Zhou, Yayuan Geng, Fei Xin, Jialin Li, Pan Feng, Congcong Liu, Weihua Zhao, Tingyong Feng, Adam J. Guastella, Richard P. Ebstein, Keith M. Kendrick, and Benjamin Becker (2019). "Human Extinction Learning Is Accelerated by an Angiotensin Antagonist via Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex and Its Connections with Basolateral Amygdala". Biological Psychiatry.
1. Huifang Cheng, Lijun Cen, Yu Wang, Hongyi Li (2019). "Business cycle co-movements and transmission channels: evidence from China." Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.
2. Yuekai Cheng, Hongyi Li, Qi Sun, Yu Wang (2019). "A model of household savings and alternative investments in rural China." Asian Economic Papers.