学术研讨会:Misreporting Private Information in a Pandemic: A Lab-Field Investigation (叶茂亮,南方科技大学)




题目:Misreporting Private Information in a Pandemic: A Lab-Field Investigation




Citizens’ truthful reporting of some private information, e.g., contact history and symptoms, is the key to effective contact tracing, which in turn is crucial for stopping the spread of a pandemic. Many misreporting behaviors have been observed in the COVID-19 pandemic. But little is known about individual characteristics that are associated with these behaviors, neither about how to promote truthful reporting in a pandemic. Our pre-registered lab-field study investigates the association between a comprehensive set of economic preferences and various misreporting behaviors in the pandemic. We also test the effectiveness of several methods in promoting truthful reporting. Our results indicate a strong link between social preferences and misreporting behaviors in the pandemic, especially between lying preferences and these behaviors. Risk attitudes in several domains are also found closely related to them. Moreover, we find that the associated social cost is a key factor that enters misreporting decision making. Our results have rich implications for pandemic-fighting policies, e.g., which traits of the population to take into account when forecasting the spread of a pandemic, and how to implement effective interventions to promote truthful reporting.



叶茂亮,现任南方科技大学商学院副教授(研究员)、博士生导师、行为科学实验室(筹)负责人。于美国哈佛大学获得公共政策博士学位,曾担任世界银行顾问,曾任职于中国人民大学及厦门大学经济学科。研究领域为行为与实验经济学、公共经济与公共政策、管理经济学(劳动人事与组织)、发展经济学、政治经济学。在组织和(亲)社会行为、社会偏好、社会准则、诚实与遵从、合作、信任、团队协作、激励机制、薪酬体系、公平感、不平等、分配与再分配、慈善、社会福利、问责、主观福祉、心理健康及相关社会经济心理等经济管理议题有深入研究。研究发表于Management Science等管理学、经济学及社会科学顶级和知名国际期刊。担任国家自然科学基金项目评审及多个国内外知名期刊的匿名审稿人,先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助、教育部人文社会科学研究基金、深圳市哲学社会科学规划课题等科研项目。