Gavin Kader


Gavin Kader

职称:副教授    国籍:英国





行为经济学(行为决策理论、应用行为经济学) 显性偏好理论 实验经济学


2019年 英国伦敦大学学院 经济学博士

2015年 英国伦敦大学学院 经济学硕士

2011年 英国伦敦大学学院 经济学学士


2020年-至今 西南财经大学 副教授

2019年-2020年 西南财经大学 讲师

2016年-2017年 英国伦敦大学学院 示范讲师


Yiyang Cheng, Shaofeng Ru, Gavin Kader (2023). "Optimal Capital Investment Structure and Sustainable Development: Evidence from China." Finance Research Letters.


  • Source Recursive Expected Utility and Process Preference on Rich Mixture Sets (under review) - Joint with Chew Soo Hong, Wang Wenqian (2024).

  • The impact of climate policy uncertainty on corporate green innovation: Evidence from China (under review)  (2024) - Joint with Fei Xue, Li Wang, Weixian Zhang.

  • Rationalizing Choices with Best Behaved Utility Functions: Behavior and Welfare (2024) - Joint with Joshua Lanier.

  • Bounded Rationality of Large Language Models (2024) - Joint with Dongwoo Lee.

  • Morning or Evening person? Circadian Mismatch and Intraday Timing of Experiments (2022) - Joint with Dongwoo Lee.

  • Why won’t people take the COVID-19 Vaccine? Understanding Vaccine Aversion using Behavioural Economics.

  • Gain and Loss - Intertemporal decision making in female drug addicts (2024) - Joint with Lei Peng.

  • Motivational bias and cognitive disequilibrium in intertemporal decision making in drug-addicted individuals: evidence from the drift diffusion model (2024) - Joint with Lei Peng.

  • Expected Utility Theory: A Re-Calibration Theorem.

  • (Ir)rational choices with Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).

  • Is Loss Aversion Really Constant? - A Theoretical and Experimental Approach to Non-Linear Loss Aversion, with Rub´en Poblete-Cazenave.

  • A behavioural economics analysis of environmental policies in China and USA.

  • Choices with Just-Noticeable Differences of Status Quo - Is There a (Noticeable) Difference?

  • Cost of Consideration and Revealed Preference.

  • Consideration Sets and Rationality: Is Revealed Preference Theory Revealing Enough?

  • An Alternative Measure of the Violations of Revealed Preference Theory - The Generalised Axiom Violations Index.


  • 2024.ESA Singapore @ NTU, UCL, FUR Conference @ University of Queensland.

  • 2023.UCL, Nottingham Ningbo.